First Annual Bat Demo
Sandlot Sports Bat Demo will provide potential buyers the opportunity to try out or “demo” top of the line Easton and Rawlings bats prior to buying on Feb 1oth at the Hitting Warehouse in Bay City. How great is that? If you are considering buying a new 2018 bat, you can come to the Hitting Warehouse and try it out to make sure it’s the right bat for you. Demo bats from Easton and Rawling in the cages and also get discounts for the upcoming season.
Stop in to visit with local ball players, swing some new bats, and get the low down on the 2018 USA bat rules that are changing the way we select bats. Speak to an Easton or Rawlings rep on location and let them help get the right bat into your son or daughter’s hands.
The Demo begins are 10 am and goes until 1pm. Take some swings in one of the 5 hitting cages. Sandlot Sports is also offering special pricing and discounts during the event.
To get a preview of 2018 bats, visit Easton and Rawling bats.